The Akwesasne Mohawk Canoe Journey was a semester-long project done for IMD3901 Design Studio III.
This project was completed in collaboration with Iohai:io students. The goal was to develop a virtual reality experience that would help players learn more about Akwesasne Mohawk culture.
The player can explore different time periods such as pre-contact, post-contact, and present, collect artifacts and learn their names in English and Mohawk. Once all artifacts have been collected, they will be able to join the Thanksgiving Ceremony where they reflect on their learnings and time spent in the environments.
Follow our project development here.
Download our project on GitHub here.
The project was completed using A-Frame, HTML, CSS, JS.
Assets were made using Autodesk Maya and Adobe Illustrator.

The Design Process

Wireframes to visualize the user interface and experience flow